Setup JavaFX and SceneBuilder with Intellij
Download Java FX and Scene builder from here.
Extract Java FX in C:\Program Files\Java\
Install Scenebuilder in default location.
In Intellij got to file->settings->plugins. Find, install and activate javafx plugins.
Go to file->new->project choose javafx.
Now we need to add javafx library into project. Go to file->pro...
Portable Python with Portable VSCode
Setup portable python with portable vscode
Download Winpython from here.
Download VS Code from here
Dwnload python plugins from vscode. Go to extention setting and add path of the portable python.
Error Creating Android Virtual Device in QtCreator
Append the following line in each of 3 environment-variable files located in home folder
export PATH="/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-17/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="/home/kali/Android/Sdk/platform-tools:$PATH"
export PATH="/home/kali/Android/Sdk/emulator:$PATH"
export PATH="/home/kali/Android/Sdk/platforms/android-30:$PATH"
conda not found after installing Anaconda/Miniconda in Kali
conda not found
You download anaconda/miniconda distribution, install them following on-screen instructions but at the end what you get is ‘conda not found’.
Open .bashrc file in your home directory (hidden) and copy
>>> conda initialize >>>
# !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
Install KDE Desktop in Kali Linux
With Plasma, you have a full-featured Linux desktop environment that has everything you could possibly need to use your computer. KDE is one of the largest and most active open-source communities with an ecosystem of applications for every purpose you can imagine.
While idling, KDE Plasma Desktop is using 580 MB with no other application...
How to Update Portable JDK to the Latest Version
Install Portable JDK
Download and install portable JDK made specially for portableapps platform from their website.
Once installed, you will notice a new folder named CommonFiles has been created.
This CommonFiles folder contains portable JDK and all the portable apps that require jdk to run will automatically find jdk from this Common...
How to Make Portable PyCharm
Since Pycharm require java to run first we need to make portable java
Configuring Portable JDK
Inorder to create portable java we are going to use portableapps platform. Download it from here or from their website.
Install it in your preffered drive.
Once installed, inside your choosen folder you will see PortableA...
How to Make Portable IntelliJ
You can carry and run IntelliJ without installing JAVA in your PC.
Configuring Portable JDK
Inorder to create portable java we are going to use portableapps platform. Download it from here or from their website.
Install it in your preffered drive.
Once installed, inside your choosen folder you will see PortableApps...
31 post articles, 4 pages.