Setup JavaFX and SceneBuilder with Intellij

  1. Download Java FX and Scene builder from here.
  2. Extract Java FX in C:\Program Files\Java\
  3. Install Scenebuilder in default location.
  4. In Intellij got to file->settings->plugins. Find, install and activate javafx plugins. intellij_javafx_plugins.png
  5. Go to file->new->project choose javafx. intellij_javafx_newprojectWindows.png
  6. Now we need to add javafx library into project. Go to file->project structures->libraries and add extracted javafx lib folder. intellij_javajx_lib.png
  7. From project pane right click hello-view.fxml file and choose open in scene builder. intellij_scenebuilder.png
  8. In scene builder, delete existing nodes in hierarchy library and add anchorpane. From control choose textfield. Give it a id ‘txt’. intellij_scenebuilder_text.png
  9. Add a button, set id ‘btn’. set ‘btnClicked’ in ‘on action’ field. intellij_scenebuilder_btn.png
  10. In scenebuilder go to view->’show sample Controller Skeleton’ and copy the code. Paste this code in controller class in intellij. intellij_scenebuilder_controller.png
  11. In controller class, paste the following line in ‘tncCicked()’ method.
    void btncCicked(ActionEvent event) {

        String tittle = txt.getText();
  1. Run the program by clicking the play button beside ‘HelloApplication()’ function. Write something in the text field and click the button, the label will change! intellij_fx_executable.png