How to Make Portable PyCharm


Since Pycharm require java to run first we need to make portable java

Configuring Portable JDK

  1. Inorder to create portable java we are going to use portableapps platform. Download it from here or from their website.

  2. Install it in your preffered drive.


    Once installed, inside your choosen folder you will see PortableApps folder where all of your portable software will reside.

  3. Run Start.exe file and you will notice a menu in the taskbar like this portableaApps_installation2.png

    All your portable apps will be listed here. You can run the apps directly from where they are installed.

  4. Now download portable JDK made specially for portableapps platform from their website or here.

  5. Now click Apps menu and select Install a New App and select the jDK just downloaded. Installation will begin. portable_jdk_install.png


  6. Now go to D:\PortableApps\PortableApps and you will notice a new folder named CommonFiles has been created. portable_jdk_install2.png

    This CommonFiles folder contains portable JDK and all the portable apps that require jdk to run will automatically find jdk from this CommonFiles folder.

  7. Inside CommonFiles folder there is another folder named OpenJDK64. Just rename this OpenJDK64 to java.

Configuring Portable Pycharm

  1. Download portable Pycharm from or from here
  2. Open portableapps platform, click Apps menu and select Install a New App and select the intellij just downloaded. Installation will begin. pycharm_portable_installation.png


  3. After installation complete you will find in portableApps folder and a menu will be created in portableApp platform menu


  4. Click Run and Configure Python interpreter in Pycharm pycharm_portable_installation3.png


Now you can either

  1. copy the whole PortableApps folder into the usb drive or
  2. just copy the Pycharm and CommonFile folder and you are ready to go.

Actually we no longer need the portableapps platform to run IntelliJ. You can also make python portable or use winPythin.