Accessing Windows (Host) Folder from Linux (Guest) in Vmware


Assume you installed manjaro linux as a guest in virtualbox with windows host. Now you want to access folders through them. In order to do that follow the steps:

  1. Goto VM -> Settings. Screenshot 2020-11-24 21.22.53.png

  2. In the setting window open options tab, there you find Shared Folders option. Screenshot 2020-11-24 21.23.36.png

  3. Click add right side of the windows, chose a windows folder in Host Path, click next. Screenshot 2020-11-24 21.24.12.png

  4. Check Enable this share Screenshot 2020-11-24 21.24.21.png

  5. Finally check Always enabled. Screenshot 2020-11-24 21.24.46.png

  6. You can find your windows folders in /mnt/hgfs/ Screenshot_20201124_212517.png

  7. In case of any error, run in terminal

    sudo vmhgfs-fuse .host:/ /mnt/hgfs/ -o allow_other -o uid=1000