A Bare-bones Portable Python and Sublime Text


Portable Environment Setup


This is very small portable python for windows. We will configure portable sublime text to use it.

  1. Extract the portable python into a folder like Portable_PySub.
  2. Extract portable sublime text into that folder also.


Sublime Text

  1. In windows Sublime Text find python path from system variables. Since we are using portable version of python, so there is no python path in the system variables. We need to manually locate the path into sublime. In sublimetext open preference-> browse package, got to User folder and create a file Python_Portable.sublime-build there.


    Open the file in text editor and add the following lines:

      "cmd": ["D:/Portable_PySub/Portable Python-3.8.6 x64/App/Python/python.exe", "-u", "$file"],
      "file_regex": "^[ ]File \"(...?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
      "selector": "source.python"
      "shell": true


    Save it and restart sublimetext.

  2. Go to tool-> build system.You will see new entry called Python_portable, select and build it. portable_sublime_python_build_system.png


Installing Additional Packages


Using pip in Console-Launcher.exe residing in portable python folder, you can install packages. portable_sublime_python_pip.png

Running Jupyter Notebook

use python -m

After installing jupyter run the following command in Console-Launcher.exe

python -m jupyter notebook

