Build Your Personal Blog / Website at for Free!


Your own blog can help you to develop your personal brand. You can easily use pages to setup a free blog.

Setup on server

  1. First you need an github account. If you dont have, go to github and create one and log in with your account.

  2. For a ready-made blog setup, choose from existing jekyll themes.

  3. Fork the theme.


  4. Rename it according to:


After a few seconds your blog should be visible at: You can edit your blog from the web ( or you can edit it in your local machine and then push it into

Setup on PC (Windows)

  1. download and install git here.

  2. download and install rubyinstaller here. Make sure to check Run the ridk install at the last step.

  3. Install Jekyll and Bundler using

    gem install github-pages
  4. Check if Jekyll has been installed properly:

    jekyll -v


  5. Clone your newly created blog

    git clone
  6. add the following to your Gemfile

    source ""
    gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
  7. Serve the site and watch for markup/sass changes

    jekyll serve or bundle exec jekyll serve
  8. View your website at

  9. Commit any changes and push everything to the master branch of your GitHub user repository. GitHub Pages will then rebuild and serve your website.

Setup on PC (Linux)


  1. if you get error like gem not found, then run

    gem update
    bundle config set path 'vendor/cache'  or   bundle install --path vendor/cache
    bundle install   
  2. if time errors occur, then add the following in the gem file

    gem 'tzinfo-data', platforms: [:mingw, :mswin, :x64_mingw]
    bundle update